The NOMADD is a fully autonomous water-less robotic cleaning solution designed, developed and tested in Saudi Arabia's severe desert conditions. These circumstances cannot be properly prepared for without direct exposure throughout the development process. This is where our advantage lies.
The NOMADD captures the spirit of the toughness and resilience of the desert nomadic peoples, who are perfectly adapted to the conditions, carrying exactly what they need and moving across the desert effectively over vast periods of time. NOMADD is a local solution, designed to suit local conditions, to solve a local problem. NOMADD is the answer for the MENA Desert Solar Challenge.
About usNOMADD was developed at the King Abdullah University for Science and Technology, (KAUST) near Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Why NOMADD?Waterless, laborless and fully automated desert ready solution.
ServicesNOMADD will provide a secure desert test area, a professional data collection and analysis team, and a fully installed NOMADD system